mayo 27, 2014

Disconnect... to Reconnect

The other day I watched a film called Disconnect that kept me “connected” during the whole time and anxious to find out how it ended. It is about the negative aspects of modern communication technologies and their impact on human relationships. In this riveting film disconnection goes beyond language, as it is no longer a matter of not understanding each other because we use different “codes”/languages in the two-way interaction process called communication.  We are so busy staying in touch day in and day out by means of our phones, computers or tablets that we somehow forget to communicate with the people we love and share the real world with, understand them, talk to them and find out what their feelings are.

This disconnection has very much to do with pulling the plug on real life and plunging into a virtual one, where the sky is the limit, where we can unleash our most intimate passions and immagination and turn into someone else. We seem to be allowed to do anything to anyone just for fun and get away with it, like in a computer game. While some of us can even turn into ruthless predators in search of a prey to identity theft, cyberbullying, even credit card fraud, others struggle to desperately get social acceptance in real life, paying a high price in the wired world.

Through its multiple storyline this film explores how isolated and misunderstood we can get and how family relationships change in this strange situation in which the more we connect online, the more we drift apart from each other. Paradoxical, isn´t it? So, disconnect before it is too late… 

Disconnect, the film. Director: Henry-Alex Rubin
Trailer: Disconnect